This bike hit a car and had the seat stay and top tube cracked. After…

Enjoy some pics of a range of projects I’ve been working on lately…
Carbon fibre and Fibreglass are both such an amazing products. Check out the range of projects I have been working on lately! They sky is the limit…
From building a bigger Turtle Pond at Natureland in Nelson, Carbon fibre bike frame repairs and re-paints, an arm support brace for a local mountain biker who got hit by a car, a new bonnet for a 500 hp 4WD race car (top 10 in NZ), Kayak repairs, broken canoe paddles, custom wheel-chair parts, custom car parts, boat dashboards and more.
I’m also building some surgical instruments and some 1971 Mustang car parts for export to USA too! Of which we have 300 orders!
Get in touch today if you need anything quoted or repaired!